Saturday, September 29, 2012

Romney needs to forget about the black vote or the Mexican/latino/hispanic vote. Blacks are in the bag for Obama and the liberal welfare society. The Mexican vote makes up 705 of the so-called hispanic/latino vote. If a candidate isn't ready to give our country away to Mexico and allow millions of invaders to stay in America, they will not vote for you. He can also forget about the single mother vote. Again, they are liberal government benefit cronies. Romney needs to concentrate on the real Americans. The ones that do not hyphenate their Americanism. The ones that pay the most taxes. The ones that do not depend on government programs. That would be the middle class white male independent.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sarah Palin

What does Sarah Palin actually bring to the table besides a beautiful face, nice legs and ass? This woman is great at slamming everyhting libs do. Which is rather easy for anyone. But, I have not heard her come up with any solutions. I would love to be paid $10,000 dollars for talking trash.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

USA Basketball

Why doesn't it bother anyone that the USA basketball team is all black. In a nation that tauts itself as the land of diversity. How is it their is not one white-American player representing the USA. We all know if the reverse were to happen and the team was all white special interest groups would be up in arms and taking to the streets.
It is apparent that diversity in America means only white people need to be all inclusive.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sports Hypocracy

I find it amazing how quickly many sports reporters and commentators jumped off the Roger Clemens bandwagon. But this is a trend with the lowlifes that live through other people. Many sports reporters and commentators are wannabe athletes that never made it beyond high school if that. So they look for any reason to bring down the successful athlete. In the meantime they suck-up and kiss butt to get stories. Let an athlete get in trouble and they turn on them like rats on a sinking ship. You people disgust me.
I also get a kick out of the nerdy sports commentators ala John Clayton actually trying to second quess professional players and coaches. That guy is a bigger joke than the rest.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Michael Vick

Michael Vick is a criminal and we should not feel sorry for him. If Vick were anyone else in this situation we would all want his blood. It is pathetic how our society puts athletes and other celebrities on pedestals they have not earned.
These people are not celebrities or heros. They are weathly, pampered, overpaid jackasses that deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Free Speech

All the furor over Dog Chapmans private conversation and the use of a specific word is amazing. It is also a perfect example of how free speech is limited to a few people without reprocusions. White males are limited by what they are allowed to say and how they are to say it. Bottom line is if a black person, Mexican, hispanic or female of any type can say whatever they like and pawn it off to street culture. As we all know only white males can be racist. Everyone else in America are holding hands and singing cumbyya. What bullshit!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Citizenship Cheapened

The greatest threat to America is not Iraq, North Korea or Iran, it is Mexico. We are being invaded and overrun by the country of Mexico and it is being done without nukes and with the help of our own politicians and traitors from within. There are already 12 to 20 million of this army in the U.S. Due to political correctness and tolerance we have become a weak, gutless nation.
These people are slowly acquiring the same rights and more protections than law-abiding citizens. Which raises the question, Why be a law-abiding citizen? I don't understand all the sympathy and support for illegal aliens. What part of illegal do people not understand. If you were to believe the liberal left and all their special interest groups, illegals are the best thing to happen to this country since the electric light. Besides entering this country illegally, they commit forgery, fraud, identity theft and tax evasion. The same types of offenses U.S. citizens are serving jail time for.
If you travel to ares in which large populations of Mexicans live you will find a third world environment. You will find large amounts of gang activity, teen pregnancy, high dropout rates, Mexican flags and a lack of english speakers. These people have no desire to be good Americans as our forefathers did. They wish to be Mexicans living in the United States. We must unite and fight this battle together or our nation as we know it is lost.